Saturday, September 29, 2012

Android smartphones: sending spam SMS

Android spam SMS

Currently in the U.S., an SMS haunts the airwaves, trying to lure the user with a free version of a popular game. Anyone who follows the instructions of experienced, but a nasty surprise: It is unwillingly part of a botnet. About AppStore, the program does not seem to spread so far.

That high-end smartphones with increasing spread an attractive target for criminals, are currently users have to learn in the U.S. firsthand. The security firm lookout reported that an SMS promising users a free version of Need for Speed, or Angry Birds. To get this, you should just follow a link in the SMS. Whoever does this begins, however, a malware. The "installer", the user should download the invites, may actually next to the malware download the game to act suspicious.

Once on the phone, called the Soldier spam software makes directly to work and hide their icon from the Launcher. In addition, the program connects to a command and control server (C & C) in order to receive further instructions. The server provides the application with important information: First, the spam SMS and secondly a list of 100 phone numbers from the U.S., to which the application should send these spam SMS.

But not enough. If the spam Soldier has processed the list, it does not set the service, but also connects again to the Command & Control server to obtain another list of 100 numbers.

To remain undetected malware deletes not only the sent SMS, but also tries to hide detail responses to the spam SMS messages from the user.

Lookout also reports that spam Soldier has been found in any large download market as Google Play or the AppStore. Apparently SMS the only method of distribution. So if you follow the usual safety rules and will not open unknown links or downloading software should do, so be reasonably sure.

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