Monday, April 30, 2012

Tips for dealing with dementia sufferers

Caring for a dementia patient is concerned for the people, whether they are family members or professional carers, combined with high loads. Quite often this is reflected in an increased susceptibility to mental and physical illness among caregivers themselves down. We will therefore give below a few tips on how to reduce stress and prevent disease-causing behaviors in the care of dementia patients. Not least, it helps turn even the patients themselves Always remember that all behavior changes that occur from the sick are not voluntarily controlled, but always the result of an organic disorder in the brain.

The patient, you will not annoy or provoke intentionally. He cannot help it. At some point, and your forces will be exhausted. Instead, companies prefer to advance all offers of help that you can make maintenance easier. Sion Elle professed support, see for example, social and care services, doctors, day care centers and day hospitals. The exchange of experiences with other patients can help. Information about offers of help or self-help groups and family members in your area, please contact the German Alzheimer Society (among others) . The important thing is: The nurse should always be his own health and well being in mind. Provide regular rest breaks, where you take care of them. Because only healthy and satisfied nurses can afford in the long run a good care.

-Avoid sudden changes in your daily routine.
-Do not use unnecessary power struggles.
-About Ask the patient not.
-Try also not to check him over.
-Try to remain calm and patient.
-Keep the respect for the patient.
-Keep your sense of humor.

How you can help the patient:

-Do you understand that the patient lives in his own world? Make it possible for him to maintain his habit.
-Accept the feelings of the patient seriously.
-Avoid pointless discussions and unnecessary dispute.
-Respond to possible emotional outbursts of the patient and show understanding for his situation.
-Treat the dementia sufferers do not keep like a child, you respect him and show him that too.
-Provide a manageable and stable environment and a consistent daily routine with fixed rules by which to orient the patient.
-Talk as possible in a short, simple sentences with the patient and emphasize what is said with facial expressions, gestures and touch.
-Use the remaining abilities of the patient and deal with it wisely. Involve the patient as far as possible into their daily routines with one, so he gets a sense of belonging. Speak now and sometimes a praise. But ask about the dementia patients, as this could lead to fear and anger.
-Look for the physical well-being of the patient. This personal care, a healthy diet and adequate hydration are just like regular dental visits.

Useful Link:Specialist Care


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