Monday, March 26, 2012

Apple app developer commits to stringent privacy

Apple is forcing the developers of iPhone apps to stringent privacy policies. The iPhone maker has begun, no more applications for its App Store to allow the access to the unique identifier (UDID) of mobile devices.

About these identifiers can be cell phones or tablet computer with a wireless connection identified. Many apps now draw on the UDID, to collect information about users about customized advertising and place can be.

As early as about half a year, Apple had informed app developers about the fact that a change in terms of usage. Now the company is doing but the first time seriously and has first rejected apps that use this access. Applications had been rejected several developers in the past week, therefore, reports the blog.

Unlike cookies, analyze the many Internet sites, the surfing habits of their users, can the UDID not delete your Smartphone or pad. Access to the UDID and the use of data in recent weeks it was increasingly come under the scrutiny of privacy advocates in the United States, who see it as an invasion of privacy. Many users use the UDID app for copy protection; so for example, magazine subscriptions can only be used on a particular device.

What app developers could use as an alternative to the UDID to get at data from users and offer their services remains to be seen. Some developers might receive explicit permission of the user for access to the UDID. The question remains whether this approach would give over enough users agree.

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