Monday, December 5, 2011

Google wants to sell

The search engine company is considering making Amazon by mail order competition.

Munich - Browsed With the leading Internet search engine Google to search for a product, the largest online retailer Amazon to buy it. For a long time lived with this division of the search engine company well. But now Google is considering apparently, Amazon make directly by mail order competition. Because Amazon has over the years, constantly improving on its own product website. Therefore, because then more and more buyers like on Amazon's website and search there, Google missed more and more advertising revenue. Therefore it seems logical, at least at first glance, if Google thinks about to go on the offensive.

As the Wall Street Journal reports Google at some large U.S. retail chains has made approaches. The idea with retailers working together to build a quick delivery service. Similar to the Amazon already offers against an individual or annual fee, to products that are ordered in a day are delivered the very next. As potential partners, the paper calls the chains Macy 's, Gap and Office Max. Google could use his expertise in finding, particularly his knowledge of the transactions which result in close to the customer the desired product.

Amazon and Google already compete in some other fields. So both companies have entered, for example in the content business, Amazon had pressed ahead with its readers, the Kindle line, Google moved to its own bid for any such content.

The largest problem for Google but it has become, more and more customers are looking directly at Amazon for the same products that they want to buy. Because Google lives for the most part of his business with ads on both sides as well as millions of other websites. Amazon has since left but when searching Google for products far behind - three to four times more people are now looking for products directly from Amazon - Amazon has also become a serious competitor in the online advertising. For the advertiser is ultimately crucial that they advertise where their potential customers are. And that's when it comes to products, rather than Amazon Google.

The frontal attack on Amazon but is full of risks. Far from everything Google touched in recent years turned to gold. The project was about Google TV a flop, and also the social network Google + is the third attempt, the competitor Facebook oppose something. Which currently has over 800 million users, Facebook is far ahead. Even in the fight against the established online retailer Amazon, Google will not have it easy. This has already noticed the search engine company, as he tried to sell a cell phone itself. Now it should direct the partners, experienced retailers. How they choose to, however, is still open.

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