Monday, October 24, 2011

New musical theater created for 65 million euros in the harbor

Silver Stage spaceship with room for 1,800 spectators will be opened in spring 2014
Another boost for the musical location in Hamburg, and the expected tourism
Boat connections from the piers to be expanded. A possible cable car over the same is under discussion.

The excavator had already prepared, as mayor, Olaf Scholz, was asked on Tuesday to break ground. Hamburg is getting a new musical theater, the fourth of Stage Entertainment Germany in the Hanseatic city of Hamburg and the second port. In addition to the tent theater in which holds for almost ten years of the "Lion King" court created by spring 2014 on a over 9,000 square meters of land, the former car park, a sleek spaceship stage with grace and about 1,800 seats. 25 meter high tower will rise up the stage, clad the façade with 10 000 shiny silver stainless steel shingles. Through the theater to 100 new jobs.

Stage Mock Germany managing director John O'Hara said: "For us this is a clear commitment to Hamburg as a musical city, it is not just on the agenda that are built in Germany in the new theater of this size - and privately funded much less. not. The fourth major musical theater in Hamburg, we create space for the most popular international musical hits as well as the stronger-growing number of our own musical theater development."

It is the first new building for a theater that touches the company. 45 million euros will go towards the building stage. Stage total € 65 million invested in the plant, because the two theaters in port are connected, the existing building undergoes a refresher tent, and all around is a boulevard created with quality stay. The ferry service between the piers to be built for the theater guests. So far, 90 percent of the theater guests arrive by boat. You use the trip across the Elbe as a prelude to the musical entertainment.

At the same time in future the existing restaurant area overlooking the city skyline from the two stages are used. Whether at the end of a cable car runs across the Elbe, is a question that is currently being discussed in the voting authorities said Scholz. But so much is certain: the investment, because if the permission would be granted, would likewise from the stage budget.

The new building is tailored to the needs of a modern ensuite musical theater and offers a spacious foyer and a comfortable auditorium with excellent sight lines. No place is further away than 30 meters from the stage. 1147 seats in the stalls, another 674 are in place. The theater has its own multi-functional event area for around 450 guests. Before starting construction, however, a lengthy and complex planning process was with legal pitfalls, because the new theater being built on the harbor area.

Stage-founder Joop van den Ende belong, whose international group of companies 25 theaters and the world's leader in live entertainment is, had the start of construction, despite years of success story of his company's premiere special character. He highlighted the visit to the Elbe, where he introduced himself and explained the project. Van den Ende, who was born in Amsterdam, feels, as he said, as belonging to Hamburg. The city has thanked him with awards - 2008 he was the (Senator) Biermann-Ratjen Medal, in 2009 he was named to the hamburger of the year in the business category.

More than ten years, the Dutchman said he had considered whether this site in the port as an address for a theater is actually the right choice, if the visitors perhaps only in good weather to cross the Elbe. The decision to use the port as turned out to be really shiny. The "Lion King" is a big draw for ten years. And the musical business in Germany have since taken a rapid upswing. Today it accounts for half of the International Stage. "Germany is a prominent part of our company," said van den Ende.

And the musical is an important part of the cultural landscape and the tourism industry in Hamburg, Scholz adds. "The new theater will be an asset for Hamburg."
The construction work will go ahead with a distinctive neighborhood, because right in front of the Elbe Philharmonic Hall is growing. Which building is first opened - it is already placed bets.

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