Monday, November 28, 2011

Causes of Moisture

Moisture so mold food comes in many different ways into the house:

•    Moisture penetrating from the outside - Rain and snow drainage
•    Side room humidity - condensation.

The standard situation: Water from warmer air is reflected - as soon as they reached the so-called dew point - in the form of droplets deposited on cold or colder material.

Poor insulation - good chances for mold

Basically, cold rooms more susceptible to mold infestation, because warm air can store moisture are better. When it gets cold quickly poor insulation, because of the high heat losses. This leads then to a cooled-wall surface. Is it colder than 12.3 degrees (at a normal room air - 20 ° C room temperature, 50% humidity), the mold-critical temperature achieved: It provides moisture and mold.

•    Room side hygroscopic moisture

Salts, present in all building materials have the property to absorb water from humidity in the air and building materials to accumulate.

•    Moisture from the construction

Flood, inundation, new moisture or leaks from water pipes are of course also common reasons for excessive moisture of the house.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Kinect announced for PC

Microsoft has announced a Kinect for PCs. With a shorter focal range of movement and voice control is also on desktop computers may be used.

Microsoft has announced a Kinect for PCs. With a shorter focal range of movement and voice control is also on desktop computers may be used.

Although the Microsoft developers have tried to convince them that the Kinect is more than just a gaming device, the current version of the control hardware required a minimum distance of 1.8 meters to be used.

However, Microsoft has now announced plans to bring in early next year, a Kinect for PCs on the market.

Craig Eisler, general manager at Microsoft, in addition to the Kinect blog: "Since we announced several weeks ago to start the commercial use of Kinect early 2012, we were asked if there be a new Kinect hardware specifically designed for Windows is. The answer is yes. Based on the existing Kinect for Xbox 360, we have optimized a number of hardware components and made adjustments to the firmwares that are better suited for use with the PC.

Together with numerous upgrades and improvements that our team has made software development kit (SDK) and Runtime, provides the new hardware features and functions that have Windows developers and Microsoft customers wanted. Small changes relate to the reduction of the USB cable to the functioning of a number of different computers to provide and integrate a smaller connector to improve the combined use with other USB peripherals. Of particular interest to developers is likely to be the new firmware, which allows the camera without objects even at a distance of only 50 centimeters precision loss is responsible.

The local mode will allow a number of new apps that can be used outside the existing living room experience with Kinect for Xbox 360. This is one of the most popular features by many developers and companies who are involved in the Kinect for Windows users as well as pilot project in our forums. We are pleased to be able to meet demand this and more at the market. "

For the Kinect means the step in the direction PC is an important development. The Xbox motion control proved extremely successful and has a lot more untapped potential.