Monday, September 5, 2011

Blue Potatoes lower blood pressure

Valuable potato: The phytochemicals in the colorful bulb have a healthy effect on overweight people with high blood pressure.

Blue potatoes are overweight can help lower their blood pressure. This shows a study by researchers at Joe Vinson of the University of Scranton (U.S. state of Pennsylvania), which was unveiled on Wednesday at a conference of the American Chemical Society. Therefore could obese people who ate a month, the blue bulbs regularly, lowering their blood pressure easily proven. High blood pressure can cause a variety of ailments, including heart disease, arteriosclerosis and eye damage.

In the study, 18 obese patients were placed mainly with high blood pressure blue potatoes for a month on the usual diet. You should eat the exotic blue, because colored fruits and vegetables contain very many phytochemicals, the researchers said. These substances are considered as healthy again. The participants ate twice a day, six to eight of the golf ball-sized tubers with peel. The potatoes were not cooked in oil in the microwave.

During the study, the researchers measured both the so-called upper or systolic blood pressure - ie the value when the heart pumps blood into the arteries - as well as the lower or diastolic blood pressure that is measured when the heart relaxes. The result: The Kartoffelkur was lowered systolic blood pressure on average by 3.5 percent and diastolic by 4.3 percent. Moreover, none of the participants took on weight.

"The potato is probably more than any other vegetable an undeserved bad reputation, which has led to many health-conscious people have them removed from their diet," said Vinson. Lovers of French fries and potato chips could not, however, pleased with the results: because the high temperatures at which the products are made to destroy a large part of the healthy ingredients of the potato, the researchers said. Left behind were mainly starch, fat and minerals.

Google provides an additional ten business areas

Google separates itself from other products. As senior vice president Alan Eustace has announced in a blog entry that relates to the so-called "Fall-Spring Cleaning 'ten divisions of Social Search with desktop software to web security.

The cuts correspond to Google's new strategy to pull out of niches and focus on key areas. "That makes it easier for users and generally improving the Google experience," writes Eustace. "This also means that we can allocate resources more important products." The affected employees will be transferred to other departments.

Be set purchased, among other things, the Aardvark Social Search Engine, Google had $ 50 million for 2010, as well as Google Web Security, which originates from the acquisition of Postini. In addition, Google closes the 2009 fast service featured flip, which allowed users to Web sites of magazines and newspapers such as prepare a printed version.

Google will also use Google Desktop, you can use to find files and documents. She was introduced in 2004 as an alternative to the search function of Windows XP. In addition, the Google Pack software collection, the Google Image Labeler, and Google Notebook are affected. The latter makes it possible to combine with personal notes and URLs into documents.

Sidewiki, a service to annotate Web content, Subscribed Links and focused on action script programmers Google Maps API for Flash have also been discontinued. Developers can integrate using the Google Maps API into their applications.

In June, Google had already announced the end of its electronic medical record Health. It represents its operations on 1 One in January 2012. Can also be the search giant's support for the utility power meter to expire, evaluate the data from the digital power meters and show users their electricity usage online. In July, Google Labs and it hit in late August, only a week previously imported images sharing service Photovine.